+94 11 3685955
SNS EXPRESS AND LOGISTICS PVT LTD goes beyond reliable delivery to offer you a logistics solution which can save you from hassle, worries, and long-term costs.
SNS EXPRESS AND LOGISTICS PVT LTD goes beyond reliable delivery to offer you a logistics solution which can save you from hassle, worries, and long-term costs.
The last mile is traditionally known to be the least efficient stage in the supply chain, accounting for up to 28% of the total transportation cost. At SNS EXPRESS AND LOGISTICS PVT LTD, we seek to revolutionise delivery service and efficiency through reliable on-time delivery. Be it last-mile logistics in Srilanka or professional courier tracking, we get it delivered, and we deliver it well.
How do we do this? By investing in our truck and van drivers, eliminating overtime charges with seven days of delivery, ensuring fluent shipment management with automated technology, and protecting your precious goods with unbeatable insurance.
Our crew members share decades of experience in the shipping and logistics industry. We know that a lost or damaged shipment means huge losses concerning cost and time to your business. We get that the reliability of your deliveries have a direct impact on how well your business performs on a daily basis. We understand how frustrating it is to have your packages undelivered without notice even with someone in the house, or worse, haphazardly placed at the door.